James Orr Jassen Bowman

Legacy Nomad™ Overview

A Talk by James Orr and Jassen Bowman

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About this Talk

In this special Nomad™ class on leaving a legacy for your loved ones using real estate, I share information about doing Nomad™ and specifically about using Nomad™ to positively change the financial health of your family and friends. Unlike other Nomad™ models where we personally are moving into properties then converting them to rentals, with the Legacy Nomad™ investing model we are gifting money to our kids, grand kids and/or loved ones and having them move in to the properties as Nomads™. It is a way for us to get money out of our estate early in a tax advantaged strategy that also educates and prepares them for managing multi-million dollar real estate portfolios while we are still here to assist them with acquiring that knowledge. This is the model I am doing with my own kids.

About The Speakers

James Orr

James Orr

Investor/Broker/Software Developer, Real Estate Financial Planner LLC

Jassen Bowman

Jassen Bowman

Real Estate Investor, TMHQ